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Speckert, C. (2022). Jurisdictions: Maximum Permitted Height for Single Stair Buildings [Infographic]. McGill School of Architecture. Updated in July 2024. Retrieved from https://secondegress.ca/Jurisdictions

Maximum Building Height
Explanation of code interpretation and additional information regarding relevant restrictions to maximum floor area, occupancy load, travel distance, etc.

Note: Some jurisdictions have published a translation of their building code in English. Otherwise translations have been provided by a native speaker, Google Translation or have been interpreted via correspondence with a local architect. Please refer to the original source documents for clarification and updated information.
[Original Language]
Source Document Link

[Original Language] Code Section

shared by [Insert Name]

United States (IBC)
3 Storeys (up to 6 storeys in some jurisdictions)
The US model building code permits single exits in apartment buildings (R-2 occupancy) of not more than three storeys in building height, with a maximum of 4 dwelling units per storey. The building must be sprinklered throughout (NFPA 13-R).

Each state and some cities also have their own building code or amending regulations. New York City, the City of Seattle and State of Hawaii (Honolulu) allow for single exit conditions in apartment buildings of up to 6 storeys in building height, with additional restrictions on floor area, number of dwellings and travel distance. They also include additional automatic fire suppression, smoke control and compartmentation requirements.

Seattle Building Code 2018 - Chapter 10: Means of Egress
Section 1006.3.3 Single exits

NYC Building Code 2014 - Chapter 10 Means of Egress (amended IBC 2009)
Section 1021.1 Single Exits

5. Buildings of Group R-2 occupancy of construction Type I or II not exceeding six stories and not exceeding 2,000 square feet (186 m2) per story

Hawaii State Building Code 2018 (amended IBC 2012)
(74)   Amending Subsection 1021.2. Subsection 1021.2 is amended by replacing the exceptions with the following:

6.   Not more than 5 stories of Group R-2 occupancy are permitted to be served by a single exit under the following conditions: [refer to original source text for subclauses]
International Code Council (ICC)
2021 International Building Code
Chapter 10: Means of Egress

1006.3.4 Single Exits

(Note: the US spelling of storeys is stories and storey is story)

United States (NFPA)
4 Storeys
Chapter 30 of the NFPA 101 Life Safety Code permits a single exits in new apartment buildings of not more than four storeys in building height, with a maximum of 4 dwelling units per storey
A single exit shall be permitted in buildings where the total number of stories does not exceed four, provided that all of the following conditions are met:

(1) There are four or fewer dwelling units per story.
(2) The building is protected throughout by an approved, supervised automatic sprinkler system in accordance with 30.3.5.
(3) The exit stairway does not serve more than one-half story below the level of exit discharge.
(4) The travel distance from the entrance door of any dwelling unit to an exit does not exceed 35 ft (10.7 m).
(5) The exit stairway is completely enclosed or separated from the rest of the building by barriers having a minimum 1-hour fre resistance rating.
(6) All openings between the exit stairway enclosure and the building are protected with self-closing door assemblies having a minimum 1-hour fre protection rating.
(7) All corridors serving as access to exits have a minimum 1-hour fre resistance rating.
(8) Horizontal and vertical separation having a minimum 1 ∕2-hour fre resistance rating is provided between dwelling units.
NFPA 101: Life Safety Code (2024 Edition)

Chapter 30: New Apartment Buildings

(full access to the document is only available for free public use by creating an NFPA LiNK account)

(Chapter 25 of the NFPA 5000 Building Construction and Safety Code also includes the same conditions for apartment buildings, within Section

Mexico (Mexico City)
6 storeys
Mexico City specifies that in medium and high fire risk buildings, the number of evacuation routes from any level must be a minimum of two.

Table 4.5-B establishes the building height at which residential buildings are deemed low, medium and high risk. Buildings exclusively for residential use are classified as low risk up to six storeys in building height. Where the building includes other uses, the risk classification of the other use prevails.



shared by Stephen Smith
(April 2024)

80m (São Paulo) / 25 storeys (Rio de Janeiro)
São Paulo requires two exit staircases for buildings exceeding 36m in height, except that apartment buildings (Division A-2 occupancies) up to 80m in building height are permitted to be provided with a single exit staircase.

“ Nas edificações com altura acima de 36 m, independente do item, é obrigatória a quantidade mínima de duas escadas, exceto para a Divisão A-2. Nas edificações da Divisão A-2, com altura acima de 80 m, independente do item, é obrigatória a quantidade mínima de duas escadas.“

Rio de Janeiro requires two exit staircases for apartment buildings (Division A-2 occupancies) of 25 or more storeys in building height.

“ As edificações com 15 ou mais pavimentos, qualquer que seja a área do pavimento, devem possuir, no mínimo, duas escadas de emergência. Excetua-se as edificações das divisões (A-2, A-6, G-2).

"(D) As edificações das divisões (A-2, A-6, G-2) com 25 ou mais pavimentos, qualquer que seja a área construída, devem possuir no mínimo duas escadas de emergência."

(São Paulo) Saídas de emergência - INSTRUÇÃO TÉCNICA Nº. 11/2018
[TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION NO. 11/2018 Emergency exits]

5.5.3 Saídas nos pavimentos
[Exits on floors]

(Rio de Janeiro) Nota Técnica: Saídas de emergência em edificações 
[Technical Note: Emergency exits in buildings]

Anexo B - Tipos de escadas de emergência por ocupação

[Annex B - Types of emergency stairs by occupancy]

shared by Stephen Smith
(April 2024)

The Building Code of Australia permits one exit for apartment buildings (Class 2 building) of not more than 25m in building height. ‘Fire-isolated’ (corridor separated) exit stairs are required for buildings of more than 3 storeys or 4 storeys where sprinklering or increased fire separation is provided. A maximum dead end travel distance of 6m applies.

New Zealand
The New Zealand Building Code permits one exit for apartment buildings (risk group SM) where the escape height is no greater than 25m if sprinklered, and 10m if unsprinklered. Dead-end limits on travel distance apply.

United Kingdom (excluding Scotland)
18m / 30m / No Maximum Height Limit
The United Kingdom does not have a maximum height limit for single stair in multi-unit residential buildings. Section 2.6 of the code establishes an occupancy load limit of 60 people per storey and Table 2.1 determines the maximum travel distance to the single stair. Office buildings can be single stair where the height of the uppermost occupied floor level does not exceed 11m above grade (Section 3.3).

Update (January 2023): In response to the Grenfell Tower inquiry, the Royal Institute of British Architects and London Fire Brigade submitted a request to further study the fire safety of single exit stair high-rise residential buildings. On December 23, 2022 the UK Government announced an open consultation to “introduce a threshold whereby residential buildings above 30 metres in height should be designed and built with 2 staircases.”

Update (July 2023): “The Housing Secretary, Michael Gove, announces that the UK government will require two staircases in all new residential high-rises taller than 18m.”

The Building Regulations 2010
Approved Document B, Fire Safety - Volume 2, 2019 Edition

2.6 Single escape routes and exits / 2.9 Number of occupants and exits

Following the Grenfell disaster, Scotland reviewed the Building Standards on Fire Safety in Scotland and issued a recommendation for change to the guidance on escape (2.9).

“36. On the need for additional stairways there was no consensus amongst the Review Panel members. However the view of the chair, which was endorsed by all members of the international sub-group, was that there was a need to require at least two stairways in high rise domestic buildings with a storey at a height of 18m. This is firstly to provide an alternative in case of the failure of the first stairway and secondly to provide a route for escape if the other stairway is being used for fire-fighting operations. The height of 18m is currently used with in the Technical Handbooks and it was considered sensible to retain it as it is well known and relates to the ability of the fire service to intervene if absolutely necessary through the use of high reach appliances.”

“Recommendation 5 - Changes are needed to the simple guidance on escape. In particular, in domestic buildings over 18m there should be two stairways and fire service activated evacuation sounders in each flat.“

Building Standards Technical Handbook 2022: DomesticTable 2.6 Escape routes from flats and maisonettes (including social housing dwellings) and any ancillary rooms
For buildings where the height of the topmost storey is more than 7.5m but not more than 18m above adjacent ground:

At least one escape route and
- protected lobbies (see clause 2.9.13), and
- smoke ventilation (see clause 2.9.14 – 2.9.16), and
- not more than 10m travel distance inside protected lobbies, or
At least two escape route [3] and
- not more than 30m travel distance in protected corridor

Scottish Government - Report of the Review Panel on Building Standards (Fire Safety) in Scotland, June 2018

Building Standards Technical Handbook 2022: Domestic
2.9 Escape
Table 2.6

shared by Harry Scoffin
(August 2023)

Ireland’s technical guidance documents allow a single exit stairway for residential buildings (flats) with a building height of up to 60m.

(Note: a previous version of this jurisdictional scan incorrectly referenced a maximum building height of 10m / four storeys based on Section Small Single-Stair Buildings, however larger buildings are permitted to be provided with a single vertical means of escape where other criteria is met).

TDG-B Volume 2 deals solely with dwelling houses, however “where very large or unusual dwelling houses (over 15m in height), are proposed, or where an alternative approach is required, some of the guidance in Volume 1 may be need to supplement that given by Volume 1.” TDG-B Volume 1 applies to all other types of buildings of up to 60m in height. These technical guidance documents require sprinklers in all ‘flatted’ dwellings over a building height of 15m and is based on a simultaneous evacuation strategy. British Standard BS5588-1:1990 is applicable for the performance-based design of buildings of more than 60m in height.

TDG-B Volume 1, Paragraph 1.6.6 identifies the applicable travel distance constraints and Paragraph describes the design of escape stairways. A maximum travel distance of 45m from the farthest location in the floor area to the exit is permitted for unsprinklered buildings and is increased to 60m for sprinklered buildings.

Building Regulations
Technical Guidance Document B 2024, Fire Safety - Volume 1

5.5. Personnel Access to Buildings for Firefighting Diagram 28 (Flats with a Corridor / Lobby Approach - Single Stair)

16 Storeys
Sweden permits one exit for class 3 (residential) buildings up to 16 storeys with a maximum occupant load of 50 people per storey and a maximum travel distance of 30m. Different requirements for the fire-protection rating/smoke-tightness standard of closures apply for buildings of not more than 8 storeys and buildings of more than 8 but not more than 16 storeys.

Denmark permits a single exit for multi-unit residential (category 4) buildings up to 45m in building height, with a maximum of 4 dwelling units per storey with direct access from the dwelling unit to the exit stair (no corridor separation). For building with floors more than 22m above ground, where the rescue openings cannot be reached by rescue ladder, a pressurized “security” stair with corridor separation is required and a maximum of 6 dwelling units per storey is allowed.

These are prescriptive, pre-approved conditions. According to a local architect, buildings over 45m in height require a performative code-compliance process and fire engineering consultations.
Bygningsreglementets vejledning til kapitel 5 – Brand
Bilag 2 - Præ-accepterede løsninger for etageboligbyggeri (2021) Udgange fra brandceller som boligenhed
[Exits from fire cells as dwellings]

8 Storeys
Norway permits a single exit for multi-unit residential (risk class 4) buildings up to 8 storeys so long as each dwelling unit has an operable window or balcony for rescue and firefighting. A maximum travel distance of 15m from the dwelling unit entry door to the exit stair door applies.

Finland allows for a single exit for multi-unit residential (’Yleensä‘) buildings up to 52 metres measured to the floor level of the uppermost occupied storey. The single exit staircase must be protected against fire (’Palolta suojattu’) in buildings exceeding 24 metres in height and 300m2 in area. A fire sprinkler system is required for buildings exceeding 24 metres in height where a single staircase is provided.

The following graphic is from the unofficial translation. Legally binding versions only in Finnish and Swedish.

848/2017 Decree of the Ministry of the Environment on Fire safety of Buildings

§ 33 Uloskäytävien lukumäärä

[33 Number of Exits]

shared by Aleksi Ojala
(April 2024)

France permits a single exit for residential buildings up to 50m in building height. Two means of egress and additional life safety measures are required for high-rise buildings (immeuble de grande hauteur) exceeding this height.

Code de la construction et de l'habitation
Titre II : Sécurité et protection contre l'incendie - Chapitre II : Immeubles de grande et de moyenne hauteur

R122.2 and R122.9

The Belgian code is subdivided by low-rise (under 10m), mid-rise (10m to 25m) and high-rise (over 25m) building heights. Belgium allows one exit for mid-rise buildings of not more than 25m in building height with a maximum occupant load of 50 people per fire compartment.

5 Storeys (12.5m Finish Floor Level)
The Netherlands permits one exit for multi-unit residential building where the floor level of the uppermost storey is no more than 12.5m above grade (5 storeys), where the floor area served by the single exit does not exceed 800m2, with a maximum floor area per dwelling unit of 150m2. The Netherlands also permits one exit for multi-unit residential buildings where the floor level of the uppermost storey is not more than 6m above grade (three storeys) with no more than 6 dwelling units served by the single exit.

Note: correspondence with a Dutch architect indicates that the 5 storey limit can be exceeded by providing a ‘safety escape route’ [Veiligheidsvluchtroute], such an escape route is separated by a non-enclosed exterior gallery to prevent the passage of smoke into a single staircase (see diagram below).

As a recent example, the multi-unit residential building BBSH20A in Amsterdam (completed in 2021), by Olaf Gisper Architects  is a 10 storey mass timber design with 29 dwelling units and a ‘safety escape route’ single exit stair.

Germany permits a single exit for multi-unit residential buildings up to 60m in building height. Buildings over 22m with a single exit stair require additional fire safety measures including the fire separation and pressurization of the single exit stair as safety stair (Sicherheitstreppenraum) and assembly fire ratings of at least 120 minutes. An additional firefighting elevator is typically required for buildings over 30m in height.

The model high-rise building code applies to high-rise buildings over 22m in building height and is prepared by the federal “Bauministerkonferenz” (assembly of construction ministers) tasked with establishing the model code referenced by the 16 individual states within Germany.
Muster-Richtlinie über den Bau und Betrieb von Hochhäusern Muster-Hochhaus-Richtlinie - MHHR 2008
[Model High-rise Building Code] 

4.2 Notwendige Treppenräume, Sicherheitstreppenräume [Required stairs, Safety stairs]

shared by Boris Stock
Dipl. Ing (FH), BFT Cognos

No Maximum Height Limit
Switzerland permits a single exit for multi-unit residential buildings without a specified maximum building height with a 900m2 maximum floor area per storey, a maximum total travel distance of 35m and a maximum occupant load of 100 per floor area. Sprinklering is typically not required.

The association of cantonal fire insurance companies establishes the fire safety regulations across Switzerland.

Austria permits a single exit for multi-unit residential buildings up to 90m in building height provided that the single staircase includes additional compartmentation and smoke control measures. Maximum travel distances are also applicable. For buildings of more than 90m in height, a performance-based design (PBD) fire safety design would be required.

The Austrian Institute of Construction Engineering (OIB) publishes guidelines [available in German only] that harmonize the construction engineering regulations across the country. Implementation of building regulations in Austria are the responsibility of the territories.

The OIB fire protection regulations for buildings with an escape level more than 22m above ground further distinguish between three sub-categories of building height: (i) where the uppermost occupied storey is not more than 32m above ground, (ii) between 32m and 90m above ground, and (iii) buildings with the uppermost occupied storey more than 90m above ground.

Poland permits a single exit for medium-high multi-unit residential (Division ZL IV) buildings up to 25m in building height or of a maximum of 9 storeys above grade. A single exit is also permitted in residential buildings exceeding 25m in building height with additional life safety measures and a maximum floor area per storey of 750m2.

Romania permits a single exit for multi-unit residential buildings of up to 28m in height.

Two exit staircases are required for buildings classified as ‘tall buildings’, defined as having a finished floor level of the entrance floor of the uppermost dwelling unit more than 28 meters above the level of firefighter access.

Art. 134 Număr căi de evacuare
{Number of escape routes]

shared by Stephen Smith
(April 2024)

Belarus permits a single exit for multi-unit residential buildings of up to 75m in height.
Non-residential buildings with a single exit stair are permitted up to 15m in height, while residential buildings (Occupancy type F1.3) with a single exit stair are permitted where the floor area per storey served the single exit does not exceed 550m2. Several adjacent single exit stair conditions are permitted where a firewall separation having a fire-resistance rating of at least REI 45 is provided.

Refer to Chapter 7 and Annex G, Table G.1 of the Source Document.

Residential buildings of more than 75m in height and non-residential buildings of more than 50m in height are classified as high-rise buildings and follow a separate set of regulations which requires a minimum of two separate exit stairs.
СН 2.02.05-2020 (Минск 2023)


shared by Vadim Kudryashov, PhD, Professor of Fire Safety Chair, University of Civil Protection of Belarus (July 2024)

Russia permits a single exit for multi-unit residential buildings of up to 75m in height.

Multi-unit residential buildings with a single exit stair are permitted where the floor area per storey served the single exit does not exceed 500m2. The construction type and design of the exit staircase depends on the building height as well as the design of smoke control measures, fire alarm systems and fire suppression systems.

Refer to Chapter 6.1. of the Source Document.

Residential buildings of more than 75m in height and non-residential buildings of more than 50m in height are classified as high-rise buildings and follow a separate set of regulations which requires a minimum of two separate exit stairs. (Section 1.2)
Эвакуационные пути и выходы

[CODE OF RULES - 1.13130.2020 - FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS - Evacuation routes and exits]

published by the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defence, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters (EMERCOM)

Italy permits a single exit for multi-unit residential buildings of up to 80m in building height with a maximum floor area per storey of 500m2 to be served by the single exit.

The “Tabella A” [Table A] of the Italian prescriptive fire regulations for civil buildings provides several parameters in relation to:
- maximum floor area of each multi-storey fire compartment
- maximum floor area per storey
- specific fire protection requirements for the exit stair and elevator shafts
- required fire-resistance ratings (REI) of exit stairs, lifts, fire doors and walls
The requirements are sub-categorized depending on building height between type “a” (12m to 24m), type “b” (24m to 32m), type “c” (32m to 54m), type “d” (54m to 80m), and type “e” (above 80m). Buildings above 80m in height require two stairs and a helicopter rescue pad on the roof.

Buildings in Italy can also be designed by applying the performance-based Italian Fire Code. The ‘deemed-to-satisfy’ solution to achieve performance level II requires at least two exits where the uppermost occupied storey exceeds 32m in building height.

Codice di prevenzione incendi in inglese [Italian Fire Safety Code in English]

D.M. N. 246 del 16/05/1987 - Norme di sicurezza antincendi per gli edifici di civile abitazione [D.M. N. 246 of 16/05/1987 Fire safety standards for residential buildings] (October 2020)

2. Caratteristiche Costruttive
2.0 Classificazione - Tabella A

shared by Piergiacomo Cancelliere, PhD
Ministero dell'Interno, Corpo Nazionale dei Vigili del Fuoco (April 2024)

Spain permits a single exit for multi-unit residential buildings up to 28m in building height measured as the floor level of the uppermost storey, where the total occupancy load of the building is not more than 500 people. The exit stair must be protected (fire separated) for residential buildings over 14m in building height.

Código Técnico de la Edificación
Documento Básico SI - Seguridad en caso de Incendio (2019)

3 - Número de salidas y longitud de los recorridos de evacuación
[Number of exits and length of evacuation routes]


Portugal allows a single exit for apartment buildings of not more than 28m in height with a maximum travel distance of 15m. Buildings greater than 28m in height require at least two exits regardless of occupancy types.

The minimum clear width of the exit staircase serving residential occupancies also varies depending on building height.
- for buildings of not more than 9m in height, min. 900mm wide
- for buildings of 9m to 28m in height, min. 1200mm wide
- for buildings of more than 28m in height, min. 1400mm wide
Regulamento Técnico de Segurança Contra Incêndio em Edifícios [Technical Regulation on Fire Safety in Buildings]

CAPÍTULO IV, Artigo 64.º
[CHAPTER IV, Article 64]

shared by Paulo Prata Ramos, ETU Fire Safety Consultants
(April 2024)

6 Storeys
Kenya permits a single exit for any building up to 6 storeys in building height or where the floor level of the uppermost storey is not more than 17m above grade.

Any Basement or Above Ground Storey
A building with a storey above or below the ground level shall be served by not less than two separate stairways; and the entrance to the emergency stairway shall not be less than 5.0 meters from the entrance to any other stairway.
The Republic of Uganda - Building Control Regulations (amended August 2012)

3.4 Fire Protection
3.4.6. Escape Routes

shared by Harry Scoffin
(December 2022)

South Africa
3 Storeys
South Africa permits a single exit for buildings up to 3 storeys in building height.

Turkey permits a single exit for buildings with a height of not more than 21.50m.

United Arab Emirates
The UAE permits a single exit for buildings up to 15m in building height where an automatic sprinkler system is provided, with a maximum floor area per storey of 500m2 and where there are not more than 4 dwelling units per storey.

The Israeli code permits a single exit for buildings not more than 29m in building height. Buildings up to 13m in height can have a single unprotected stair. The Israeli code also sets a maximum travel distance of 30m to the exit stair. Buildings exceeding 13m in height may have a single protected stair if residential use, or any use not exceeding a maximum occupancy load of 30 people per floor.  All buildings regardless of occupancy exceeding 29m in building height require two stairs, one of which may be an exterior stair.

תקנות התכנון והבניה
פרק ז': בניין גבוה ורב-קומות
חדר מדרגות מוגן ומדרגות חוץ בבניין גבוה תק' (מס' 3)  תשס"ח-2008

Planning and Building Regulations, Chapter 7: A tall, high-rise building - Protected staircase and exterior stairs in a high-rise building, (No. 3), 2008

30m / 6 Storeys - In the following cases, each residential unit can exceptionally access only one exit. A single exit is allowed for buildings up to 23m in height with maximum 2 dwelling units per floor, in which the stair must be fire rated.

According to a local architect, the fire regulations were amended in 2019 to permit a maximum height of 30m, or 6 storeys above ground, in which the stair must be ventilated, the building sprinklered, and a maximum of 3 dwelling units per floor.
مقررات ملّی ساختمان ایران / مبحث سوم
حفاظت ساختمانها در مقابل حریق

National Building Regulations of Iran (2017) - Chapter 3 - Fire Protection of Buildings

Saudi Arabia
3 Storeys
8.18.2 (c) - Buildings classified as Group R-2 equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 7.3 of SBC 801 and provided with emergency escape and rescue openings in accordance with Section 8.25 shall have a maximum height of three stories above grade, or as agreed by the local municipality.”
Saudi Building Code 2007
Chapter 8 - Means of Egress

Table 8.18.2 - Buildings with One Exit

India permits a single exit for multi-unit residential buildings up to 15m in building height with a maximum floor area of 500m2 per storey.

Bangladesh permits a single exit for multi-unit residential buildings of up to 10 storeys or 33m in height. A single exit is not permitted for high-rise buildings, defined as buildings of more than 10 storeys or 33m in height, measured from the level of fire department vehicle acess.

Article 3.14.2 specifies that a single exit is permitted from floor areas where the occupant load does not exceed 50 occupants. For residential uses (Classification A), occupancy load is calculated as 1 occupant per 18m2 in gross floor area (Table 4.3.1.) corresponding to a maximum floor area of approximately 900m2.

The 2020 edition of the Bangladesh National Building Code (BNBC) specifies the minimum requirements for the design and construction of all buildings within Bangladesh. In addition, Rajdhani Unnayan Kartripakkha (RAJUK) [Capital City Development Authority] is the public agency responsible for co-ordinating urban development in Dhaka and is resposible for approving and enforcing building safety requirements in Dhaka city. Although their rules apply only to Dhaka, they are generally followed in other parts of the country as well. RAJUK rules in effect since 2008 specify that flats in apartment buildings (A2 occupancy) can be served by a single exit in buildings of up to 10 storeys and 33m in height with a maximum of 4 dwelling units per storey and a maximum travel distance of 23m to the exit.

According to Mr. Maidul Islam, the previous edition of the BNBC defined high-rise buildings as buildings of more than 6 storeys or 20m in height and it is still common practice of local government agencies to require two exit stairs for buildings of more than 6 storeys in height.

Bangladesh National Building Code, 2020 - S.R.O. No.55-Law/2020.

Article 3.14.2. 

shared by Maidul Islam, MFSE (May 2024)

18 Storeys
China permits a single exit for multi-unit residential buildings up to 18 storeys in building height with a maximum floor area of 650m2 per storey. A maximum travel distance of 15m from the dwelling unit door to the exit applies for buildings less than 10 storeys in height, which is shortened to a maximum travel distance of 10m for buildings between 10 and 18 storeys in height.

National Standard of the People’s Republic of China - GB 50368-2005, Residential Building Code

Section 9.5.1

shared by Lucy Lin
(November 2022)

South Korea
No Maximum Height Limit
South Korea does not set a maximum building height for multi-unit residential buildings with a single exit stair.

The code only limits single exit stair conditions for residential occupancies based on horizontal restrictions, including a maximum of 4 dwelling units per storey or a maximum inhabited floor area of 300m2per storey as well as maximum travel distance limits.

Article 35 requires the exit stair to be a ‘firefighting’ stair (safe evacuation stair) for apartment buildings of 16 or more storeys if the floor area per storey exceeds 400m2.

건축법 시행령
제34조(직통계단의 설치)

[Building Law Enforcement Decree] (2022) 

Article 34 (Installation of Direct Stairs)

5 Storeys (No Limit)
Japan’s building code includes several trigger levels to define permitted conditions for single staircase buildings in both residential or office buildings:

  • For buildings of up to two storeys in height, a single open staircase (without corridor separation) is permitted to serve a maximum floor area per storey of 200m2 for combustible construction and 400m2 for non-combustible construction. A fire sprinkler system is not required.
  • For buildings of three to five storeys in height, a single ‘fire-compartmented’ staircase (i.e. corridor separation) is permitted to serve a maximum floor area per storey of 100m2 for combustible construction and 200m2 for non-combustible construction. A fire sprinkler system is not required.
  • For buildings of six to fourteen storeys, a single exterior staircase is permitted and for buildings of fifteen or more storeys and a single ‘fire-compartmented’ staircase with a vestibule is permitted to serve a maximum floor area per storey of 100m2 for combustible construction and 200m2 for non-combustible construction. A fire sprinkler system is required for buildings of 11 or more storeys in height. An evacuation balcony and hatch is also required for buildings of six or more storeys in height served by a single staircase.

shared by Yoshikazu Minegishi, PhD, MSFPE, PE - Building Research Institute, Japan (April 2024 at the SFPE PBD Conference in Copenhagen, Denmark)

Singapore permits a single exit in apartment buildings up to 24m so long as the one-way travel distance is complied with, and exceeding 24m in height under the following conditions:

(a) The building’s habitable height does not exceed 60m, unless otherwise permitted by the SCDF.

(b) The single exit staircase shall serve not more than four apartments or maisonettes at each storey.

(c) Provision of exits for each residential apartment or maisonette shall comply with the requirements under Cl.9.2.1a.(5).

(d) Travel distance from the most remote exit door to the exit staircase from each apartment or maisonette shall not exceed 15m.

(e) The approach to the exit staircase shall be through cross-ventilated corridor/lobby in accordance with Cl.1.4.28, except that the ventilation openings shall have a minimum width of 2m and a minimum height of 1.2m, as well as the following requirements:

(i) the openings shall be unobstructed from the parapet wall or balustrade level upwards and be positioned on opposite sides of the corridor/lobby such that they provide cross ventilation throughout the entire space of the corridor/lobby; and

(ii) the entire cross-ventilated corridor/lobby shall be unobstructed and maintained at minimum 2m width throughout.

(f) Where multiple ventilation openings are provided on opposite sides of the corridor/lobby, the minimum width and height of each opening shall not be less than 1m and 1.2m respectively, provided the aggregate width of the openings at each opposite side is not less than 2m. (See Diagram 9.2.1a.(4)(f))

Singapore Civil Defence Force - Fire Code 2018 - Chapter 9 - Additional Requirements for Each Purpose Group

9.2 Purpose Group II Ocupancy
9.2.1.a. Means of escape

shared by Harry Scoffin
(December 2022)

Hong Kong
6 storeys or 17m (uppermost finish floor height)

(1)    Every building shall be provided with such means of escape in case of emergency as may be required by the intended use of the building.

(2)    Without prejudice to paragraph (1), every building which exceeds 6 storeys in height or in which the level of the floor of the uppermost storey is more than 17 m above the level of the ground at the point of discharge of the main staircase shall, in addition to the main staircase, be provided with a second staircase as means of escape in case of emergency. (L.N. 294 of 1976)

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